Documentary family
photography & film
Helping you to encapsulate the essence and character of your family before the memory gets fuzzy and ensuring you are also in the frame.

Would you love to be in more photos, but the thought of dressing everyone up in clothes they don’t normally wear, trying to persuade your partner that it’s a good idea to travel to a park you never go to or a photography studio to make everyone look straight at the camera and say cheese exhausts you before you’ve even begun?
Then relaxed, documentary family photography could be the thing for you!
With this modern family photography it is ok if:
You’re still in your PJs when I arrive (in fact I love those images)
Your kid only wants to wear the same superhero costume they’ve worn for the past ten days. This is about freezing a snippet in time, and they won’t still be wearing that costume ten or even one year from now.
Your house isn’t magazine perfect. Leave the mess and chaos alone; it’s part of your unique story.
Not everyone is smiling and looking at the camera. Wait…what? That’s right; no smiling on cue and no having to to get everyone facing the same way. This is about capturing the true characters of your family members and sometimes that includes a case of the grumps or the odd tear. Not feeling happy? No worries, there is no need to fake it. Real life is what it’s all about.
We hang out at your house the entire time. Home is where you spend so much of your time. Home is what children will remember the most, so it makes sense to photograph everyone in their happy place, doing the things they would normally be doing.

Sounding good so far? How about finding out a little more about me and why I love this documentary genre of photography so much.
Better yet, if you’re ready to jump in, send me a line and we can make some magic together from what may seem on the surface to be pretty mundane.
I was a bit nervous to be honest; thought I might feel awkward, but you were so chilled and so subtle as you moved about to different people doing different things.
Oh my goodness they are so beautiful. You've captured everything soooo well. What amazing photographs to have forever to look back on. I can't thank you enough honestly.
The pictures are sublime, as always.